Аnti-parking postsWith 5 modules

The anti-parking posts in the pedestrian zones are increasingly used in urban planning.

BETO offers a range of modular anti-parking posts that can be combined in up to three sizes - 60cm, 50cm and 40cm.

Projects realized with this product

Dimensions:h = 60 cm

Weight: - kg

Moisture resistance Color fastness Frost resistance
  • The modular elements can be colored according to customer requirements.
  • It is possible to change the order of the modules of the anti-parking poles.
  • If a module is damaged, it can easily be replaced by a new one.
Additional information

The Anti-parking posts with five-module are preferred when parking on sidewalks and pedestrian areas is restricted.

The height of 60cm provides a good view when parking the car nearby the sidewalk, which avoids frequent parking problems.